Otter class wb. 10.1.22 - Conductive Music

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14th January 2022 Otter Class

This week we had some guests from Conductive Music in to lead an exciting workshop that combined Music and Computing. We learned how technology can be used to make music!

We used a microbit as a controller and connected it to our computer. Using wires with crocodile clips connected to the microbit, we were able to instruct the online app to play different sounds! We discussed conductors and insulators, as the electric current had to get through the wires in a circuit in order for a sound to be made. We found out that our bodies conduct electricity because they are made out of water, and so when we touched the metal ends of the wires the weak electric current was able to pass through our body and back into the computer!

We also did some programming as we wrote an algorithm (instructions) to tell the computer how to make different sounds. This involved getting stuck into some problem solving and using logic to debug our program.