
Children at Maylands are taught to read using the Read Write Inc phonics programme. As a Read Write Inc school, we are recognised for: 

  •          High standards of reading and writing 
  •          Expertly trained staff 
  •          Adopting the latest programme updates 
  •          Supporting all children to reach their full potential. 

Reading is the most important skill to make a life successful. At Maylands, priority is given to ensuring that all pupils (regardless of starting points) have a level of reading to support their next stage of education.  

From an excellent starting point of Read Write Inc, reading is a taught lesson for all pupils to Year 6 and the curriculum for reading is based upon the increasingly complex reading materials in Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine. As far as possible, books which support curriculum learning are used as focus texts or available for children to choose from the Reading Gardens in classrooms. 

To be a competent writer, learners need a range of skills which co-ordinate to allow for fluent, legible and accurate script. Writing is taught at Maylands through units for grammar, spelling and handwriting. Learning to write different text-types is linked to wider curriculum learning for context.  

To be a competent writer, learners need a range of skills which co-ordinate to allow for fluent, legible and accurate script. Writing is taught at Maylands through units for grammar, spelling and handwriting. Learning to write different text-types is linked to wider curriculum learning for context.

The English Framework for Maylands identifies the progression and mapping of text-types for writing.

Spoken Language is prioritised at Maylands. From taught sentence stems in Reception, such as ‘please may I…?’ and the programme of Chatta used successfully from Reception to Year 6, children are expected to develop confident spoken language skills for a range of purposes.

Reading Passports

At Maylands we believe that reading is an essential life skill and we are committed to enabling our children to become lifelong readers. Through high expectations for every child we aim that children leave as fluent, competent readers ready for Secondary school. We encourage children to challenge themselves, persevere and pursue success, through the enjoyment of learning. 

Please see our new Reading Passports for children in Years 3 to 6. Children are encouraged to try and read all 18 age-appropriate titles on their passport each year. The books have been selected by experts and are available in classrooms and the library. Reading Passports will provide a catalogue of their reading throughout their Key Stage 2 journey.  Children will continue to earn a bookmark for every 5 chapter books read and a bookworm badge for every 25 chapter books read although book reviews need only to be completed once each half term.  

Year 3 passport pic

 Year 3 Reading Passport




Year 4 passport pic


 Year 4 Reading Passport



Year 5 passport pic


Year 5 Reading Passport



Year 6 passport pic

Year 6 Reading Passport