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Vision and Values for our school
Drapers’ Maylands Primary School is a place where children are at the heart of all that we do. Through excellent teaching and exciting activities, children are able to access a rich and stimulating curriculum which feeds a love of learning.
Children are encouraged to have a keen spirit of enquiry about both people and places, challenge themselves and to be confident about themselves as learners. High expectations for behaviour enable us to create a calm and purposeful learning environment where diversity is celebrated and learning is valued. The indoor and outdoor learning environments of our school are well designed and equipped with an emphasis on the needs
of future learners.
Our vision:
- Every child deserves to enjoy their school experience;
- Every child deserves be valued for their contributions to the school environment;
- Every child should be successful.
Our aims:
- To nurture the enquiring minds of children so that education is engaging and fun;
- To ensure that high expectations are maintained through excellent teaching and learning opportunities;
- To create a happy and safe environment where difference and similarity are equally valued;
- To plan for the future, ensuring the children of our school are able to be confident and successful adults;
- To create an exceptional learning environment which allows our children have opportunities for contemporary learning;
- To invite visitors, parents and carers to be part of children’s learning;
To ensure that opportunities to broaden experiences and extend learning opportunities are available for every child, within and beyond the classroom.
To be a Rights Respecting School by enabling and encouraging our children to be global citizens.
Our values:
- Respect - for the community, the environment and one another in attitude and action;
- Trust - through kindness, consideration and being trustworthy as well as recognising trust;
- Determination - always trying your best, never giving up and taking pride in achievements;
- Tolerance - celebrating the differences or similarities of people in our community and the world and having a positive attitude.
Our school values ensure that children are confident individuals, respectful of themselves, others and the learning environment, responsible members of the school community, resilient learners, and demonstrate tolerance for challenge and difference. Our commitment as a Rights Respecting School ensures that our children are prepared as global citizens with an empowered sense of their rights and responsibilities.