Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

We place a high priority on our core values and school vision, which supports Social, Moral Spiritual and Cultural development.

Developing learners who are confident, well-informed and demonstrate self-control is important to us. From the first term in Reception, children assemble as a whole school and celebrate our values of Respect, Trust, Tolerance and Determination.

SMSC is woven into every curriculum theme with opportunities for pupils to share ideas, think critically and begin to develop informed opinion. Through the Restorative Practices of our Behaviour for Learning system, pupils are able to talk about their thoughts, feelings and actions in response to events or a moment of poor choice. Circle Times and responses to Restorative Practices provide further opportunities for SMSC and Personal, Social and Emotional development. Forest School ethos supports the school vision to promote self-esteem and confidence for all learners.

Teaching for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is delivered through the use of the Jigsaw programme from EYFS to Year 6.

The programme is divided into six half-termly units: Being Me in My world, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy me, Relationships and Changing Me. Each session begins with a mindfulness moment and continues with progressive units to meet the age-appropriate needs of the pupils.


Religious Education

At Drapers’ Maylands Primary School Religious Education is taught through Jigsaw RE.   

Jigsaw RE is an enquiry-based scheme of work, progressively teaching the principal world faiths from Reception to Year 6. Jigsaw RE treats all worldviews studied as equally valid and valuable, covering both ‘religious’ and ‘non-religious’ standpoints. In the Early Years, the learning is closely matched to Development Matters to contribute meaningfully to your child’s holistic development.  

Throughout all the enquiries, the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is carefully considered. Through the understanding of their own and others’ world-views, they develop their empathy and respect.    

The RE curriculum is broadened through a range of enrichment opportunities, celebrating festivals and events with cultural significance through the year.

The UNICEF Rights of the Child are recognised and celebrated in our school.

What Makes Maylands Unique?


The health and well-being of pupils is given priority. The School Meals Policy ensures that pupils have access to a balanced diet of hot meals at lunchtime in addition to snacks provided from EYFS onwards. Pupils are expected to bring a water bottle and have access to fresh drinking water to stay hydrated throughout the day. A healthy lifestyle and changes in the human body are part of the science curriculum but supplemented by age-appropriate sessions as pupils develop physically. In addition, health and mental wellbeing is supported through the Thrive programme and promoted through school ethos and shared values.