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Early Years Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage framework covers the development and learning of children from birth to the end of their Reception year at school.
Pupils will have been able to experience and develop through many aspects of the Framework before they join us in their Reception year and so we continue to build on previous experiences so that they are well prepared for Key Stage 1.
At Drapers’ Maylands Primary School, planning for the EYFS classes will be theme-based and relevant to the interests of our pupils. Specific language and literacy teaching is delivered through daily Read Write Inc. sessions. In addition, planning includes the use of quality texts to develop a language-rich environment and foster a love for reading. Opportunities to practise the skills pupils need for writing are planned during continuous provision and daily writing tasks. Mathematics skills are taught through Little Big Maths scheme and opportunities for applying mathematics skills through child –initiated and adult-led play are planned for carefully. The timetable for learning includes time for children to become immersed in play but also to provide opportunities for structured routine. Consideration is given to purposeful play and the different ways that children learn and reflect. Many enrichment opportunities are planned with visits and visitors to broaden pupils’ experiences. All activities and experiences will allow children to meet the requirements of the EYFS Framework, the age-related expectations and be ready for the next stage of their learning.
We aim to ensure that children regularly and freely access outdoor learning which is complementary and an extension of the indoor curriculum and where children are able to be more actively involved without the restrictions of space or noise. It is also important to take into consideration the social world we live in which can limit the opportunities children may have to play outside either from a safety aspect or a lack of space.