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As a key skill, it is important that the pupils become numerate and are able to build confidence in mathematical skills.
In EYFS Reception year, pupils use the Little Big Maths scheme and move onto the Big Maths scheme from Year 1. The scheme is a cycle of teaching new skills, developing skills and consolidating knowledge regularly.
Through weekly challenges, children are able to measure their own success.
Home Learning includes the use of Mathletics, and certificates are awarded weekly during celebration assembly.
When children leave Year 6 they will be able to confidently use mathematical skills and be fully prepared for the next stage of their education.
Big Maths - A Guide for Parents and Carers
If you would like to continue to support your child with their quick recall of key number facts at home, 1-Minute Maths' is a free app that is available for download.
Follow this link for more information: https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths
Mathematics at Maylands