Pupil Voice

What do you enjoy learning at school?



‘I like doing phonics at school because I like learning to blend’

‘I like learning maths so that I can move on in CLIC’

‘Free learning inside and outside’

‘Playing with shovels (in the gardening area)’

‘Chatterbox time’

Year 1:


‘Quiet activities, like colouring’

‘Everything, including Home Learning- my favourite was making a boat’

‘Science Week with the visit from the scientist and the explosion’

‘Learning about other countries and celebrations in assembly’

‘Building in the block area- like castles’

‘We enjoy doing maths because it’s easy’

‘We like to go on school trips’

‘We enjoy playing Minecraft and we made an island’


Is learning important in your school?


‘Yes! We learn so much all day!’

‘We have to learn- so then we know it!’

Year 1:

‘It is very important. We have the best teachers who help us learn new things’

‘Yes! Because it’s important’

‘It’s called Drapers’ Maylands and it’s a special school!’


How do you know?


‘..because you can learn to read and spell’

‘…because you can count in 10’s’

‘We learn new things all the time so we know more’

‘We ask the teacher a question if we want to learn something else’

Year 1:

‘The Behaviour for Learning display’

‘Learning is important’

‘Our brain will get smarter’

‘Maths is important, it makes you clever so you can work out tricky addition’

‘When we are older and other people ask us questions, we know the answer’


How do you know what to do in your book?


‘The teacher in the lesson shows you how to do something- like in phonics, you can write the sounds in your book’

‘You have to ask the teacher and they tell you’

‘My mummy tells me what to do because she looks in the (Home School Communication) book’

Year 1:

‘The teacher tells us what we have to do’

‘The learning objective tells you what to do’

‘It has a label at the top (of the page)’

‘(the teacher) puts a star when your writing is so neat’ ‘or when you do it all correct(ly) and the numbers are the right way around’


What can you do to get better? (Make progress)


‘I can ask the teacher questions’

‘When something’s a bit hard, I always keep trying. That’s our rule’

‘Talk to your friends’

‘Try your best’

Year 1:

‘You can get a sound mat or a word mat’

‘Try and try- keep trying!’

‘When there is a blue letter- write it three times’

‘You need to listen carefully and think’

‘Homework is important because it helps you learn. Also, it helps you to practise and then you can move on to a new level’


As we strive to improve our successful school. Actions taken from the analysis of pupil voice will address areas which can be improved.