RSHE - A Quick Guide for Parents and Carerslgbt parent leaflet 2023
How does Jigsaw Approach Gender Identity
Jigsaw brings together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. There are six Puzzles in Jigsaw (covered in the six half terms), which are designed to progress in sequence from the beginning of each academic year:
- Being Me in My World
- Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
- Dreams and Goals
- Healthy Me
- Relationships
- Changing Me (including Puberty and Human Reproduction Education)
The whole school works on the same Puzzle at the same time, meaning that each Puzzle can be launched with a whole-school assembly and learning can be celebrated by the whole school in a meaningful way.
The various teaching and learning activities are engaging and mindful for different learning styles. The Early Years (EYFS) planning is aligned to the National Early Years Framework (England) and Jigsaw fulfils all the requirements for the statutory Relationships and Health Education curriculum.