Drapers' Maylands Primary 1

Our Curriculum

Our school curriculum reflects our aims to an environment where children:

  • Access a rich and stimulating curriculum which feeds a love of learning
  • Are encouraged to have a keen spirit of enquiry about both people and places
  • Challenge themselves
  • Are confident about themselves as learners

Learning is planned over a two-week timetable in order to plan sequences of lessons and ensure broad coverage of curriculum and enrichment subjects.

As a Rights Respecting School, we look for opportunities to ensure that diversity and equality are championed through relevant links.

We use schemes of work and resources for different curriculum areas

Edu visit



Links for further information:

Read write Inc Phonics

CHATTA- oracy programme

Education for a Connected World 2020

English in under two minutes



English is taught through specific skills and opportunities to write using the features of different genres in English lessons and through cross-curricular written tasks.

Curriculum 8.3
