Potato Growing Competition

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23rd July 2021 Learning Beyond the Classroom

We have excitedly watched our potatoes grow from seed. We have learnt that first we had to ‘chit’ the seed potatoes before planting. This means allowing them to start sprouting shoots.

We had to protect our plant by ‘earthing up’ as they grew, to protect early shoots from frost damage and ensure the developing potatoes weren’t exposed to light, which would turn them green.

We planted our competition potato seeds in black sacks and others in our planting beds. We looked after them all term and measured their progress. When it came time to harvest the potatoes we were amazed at how many we had grown.

As a school we had managed to grow a total of 40.75kilograms! Which meant we had enough potatoes to not only make a delicious potato salad, which we had for lunch, but we also were able to take one home with us.

Well done to everyone and congratulations to Reception who grew 4.4kiliograms and Year 4 who grew 2.83kilograms of potatoes.

We can’t wait until next year to see what our gardens can produce.