Year 6 - Investigators

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20th January 2023 2 CategoriesPine Marten ClassPolecat Class

This week in Year 6 we continued with our topic learning about RMS Titanic. After researching the difference between the experiences offered for First, Second and Third Class passengers for their home learning, the children used their information to write persuasive adverts. Some children advertised the Titanic as the epitome of luxury, hoping to sell to the wealthiest aristocrats of the time; others advertised the voyage as an opportunity for a new life in the United States, hoping to attract third class passengers. Ask your child about their advert and what persuasive techniques they used. 

In Science this week we conducted an investigation, practising applying the 10 Super Science enquiry skills. The children were presented with a conundrum; if the Gingerbread man had to run across the river to escape, would this be the best biscuit for him to be made from? They designed their own investigation and tested a range of different biscuits to reach their own conclusions. Some children were surprised by the results - which differed from their original predictions! 

The children have been learning how to find the averages of sets of data; practising applying the method they have learnt for calculating the mean. They have also been calculating using percentages in Maths this week. They can practise this skill in the shops and supermarkets this week; using the method they have learnt to work out discounted prices.