Atelerista- Artist in Residence
What is an Artist in Residence?
An Atelier is a place for creativity and an Atelierista is the person who brings this place to life for children.
This comes from the Reggio Emilia Approach, which our school follows…
By bringing in an artist - someone who is creative and brings a creativity or specialist skills to the place of learning- we enrich the learning experiences of our children. Our Artist is a carpenter. He is from Costa Rica.
Our atelierista, Mr Sarkis, has supported our children to:
- Build a shed
- Make playground benches
- Build stepping stone paths through the Quiet Garden
- Design and build a trike track for the reception garden
- Build Minibeast hotels
- Design and make Hedgehog houses
- Build bat boxes
- Build bird boxes
- Make signs for the Science Area
- Make kites
- Design and create a working water wheel with manual pump
- Win Engineering award for motor-powered cars
- Learn Spanish
- Learn about recycling and how to be ecological
- Learn about wildlife and how to look after it
- Meet birds of prey