Year 3 and 4 - The Battle of The Invaders

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2nd May 2024 5 CategoriesAdder ClassLizard ClassOtter ClassSeal ClassLearning Beyond the Classroom

To celebrate the end of Year 3 and 4's learning topics about Invaders, we decided to create a reenactment of their struggles for victory. 

The Romans were represented by Adder Class, who arrived first to Britannia. They were then joined by the Anglo Saxons (Otter Class) who retreated quickly after realising the Romans were still here. The Romans were then called home to protect their homelands from attack, and the Saxons (seizing their opportunity) returned to conquer Britain. 

They were soon joined by The Vikings (Seal Class) who sailed over in their longboats and attempted their own conquest. Saxon King, Alfred the Great, made an agreement with their leader and allowed them to live alongside the Saxons on their own land, which they named Danelaw. 

Unfortunately trouble was afoot when the Saxon King Edward promised the crown to both his own brother-in-law Harold, and the Norman King William. On his death, King Harold claimed the throne which prompted William to sail over with his army (Lizard Class) to challenge him for it. 

The Normans attacked The Saxons at The Battle of Hastings in 1066 where they were succesful, leading to William becoming King of England. They then turned their attention to the Vikings, who they also defeated. The Normans were the last succesful invaders of Britain. 

Well done to the children for taking part in our historical reenactment!