Year 1 - Missing Toys

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13th May 2022 3 CategoriesLearning Beyond the ClassroomRabbit ClassSquirrel Class

In Year 1 we have had a fun week. We have realised that what happens in the movies is true: Toys really come alive when we are not looking! First, Rex disappeared from the class but we found him trying to blend in with the green of the bushes. The next day, Buzz Lightyear decided to go for a walk and he used his pop-out wings to land on the tree in our garden. Jessie and other characters from the movie tried to trick us during the week as well. It was fun trying to find them around our garden!

We also celebrated International Nursing day by learning all about nurses, especially two very important nurses throughout history – Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. We learnt that Florence Nightingale improved hospitals by making them clean and checking on patients more. She became known as the Lady with the Lamp because she would carry one at night to make sure they were visit them. Mary Seacole used a range of plants and herbs to cure people of different illnesses. We spoke about the medicines we use today and some of us noticed that we still use some of the remedies that Mary used: such as lemons (lemon tea) for a cough.

In Art Squirrel class learnt what printing is and we explored this technique using a range of different objects, from nature and from class. Some of us decided to make a print of our own hand!

During our Forest School session, we started out session trying to work as a team to move water around to different targets without spilling it. We weren’t very good in the beginning but through working together and communicating our ideas, we soon worked out who needed to lift the tarp and who needed to lower it. We then spent a lot of time returning to activities that we have previously taken part in, but wanted to improve on. Many of us decided to dig and investigate different levels of the forest to try and find a range of insects. We used the bug viewers to get a closer look! We also returned to climbing trees (with our climbing buddies) and attempting to cross our tightrope without falling off. It was so much fun!