Year 3 - Science Week

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25th March 2024 3 CategoriesLearning Beyond the ClassroomOtter ClassSeal Class

This week we celebrated Science Week by learning about something exciting in Year 3. We learnt about one of Earth's most fascinating natural creations - Geodes. 

The children were really excited to see some real life examples, looking at the different patterns and colours that had been created by the minerals inside the rocks. We were inspired by the beauty of the geodes to create our own 'Geode Art' in our sketchbooks using fineliners, watercolour paint and some glitter to add the sparkle. 

The children worked in groups to crack open their own rock that was found in a geode bed, to see if they could discover a geode of their own. We were really lucky because every rock that was cracked had a geode inside! 

Finally, we conducted our own experiment to see if we could grow our own salt crystals inside egg shells, using epsom salt, PVA glue and hot water. Unfortunately after a whole week our crystals hadn't grown - perhaps we needed to give the glue more time to try before pouring our mixture in, or adding more salt to the mixture to ensure it was fully saturated. Why not have a go at home and see if you have more success?