Gardening - Spring into Summer......

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24th March 2024 2 CategoriesLearning Beyond the ClassroomWhole School

The gardeners had a meeting to discuss the things we are going to do in the next few months.... (two feathered friends made their presence known)

It was decided to grow potatoes again for the Friends of Essex and London Homeless charity, and if we can carrots and onions too. Seed potatoes bought ready to chit

We are going to participate in The Big Sow again and it was suggested that we grew chillies and tomatoes ready for a plant sale later in the year. The gardeners can then make care sheets and they will be easier to look after all being the same.

Later in the year the gardeners would like to have a go at growing strawberries and pumpkins again for Fireworks Night.

On the wish list is a greenhouse!

KS1 also repotted a sansevieria for Miss Martinez, hopefully it will now thrive!

Seed bombs were also scattered throughout the orchards and hopefully wild flowers will start to appear....