
In accordance with the Policy of the Multi-Academy Trust, attendance is a key priority. Drapers’ Maylands Primary School will endeavour to ensure good attendance for all pupils by:



  • Weekly attendance percentage for the whole school is visually displayed in the reception area on an Attend and Succeed Board.
  • Class attendance is celebrated in assembly on a Friday, with the Attendance Bear awarded to the class with the highest attendance.
  • All pupils with 100% attendance for the term will receive a certificate.
  • Each half term a letter to thank the families and carers for supporting attendance above 96% is sent.
  • All pupils with 100% attendance for the academic year will receive a gold certificate at the end of the Summer Term.
  • A winner, selected at random, from the 100% attendees will win a prize for their family to enjoy together.

Please see our Policies and Important Documents page for our Attendance Policy, Arrivals and Departure Policy and our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.

Policies and Important Documents